A few steps to battle sleep apnea

We all have problems sleeping from time to time, the causes are varied and its impact on our daily lives depends on its frequency and severity. There are many over the counter so called sleeping remedies and aids available to buy but these can be expensive and not always effective. It is far better to try and find the root of the problem and to bring your regular sleeping pattern back by using inexpensive natural methods, such as relaxation.

  1. Pain - Pain can make it difficult for you to fall asleep. If needed, take some pain relief medication 1 to 2 hours before going to bed. Check to make sure the pain relief medication does not contain caffeine as some pain relief medication marketed for migraine headaches do.
  2. Take a warm bath just before bedtime
  3. Stretching or yoga - both of these methods are useful to help the body relax. Ask your doctor if they would be suitable for your condition.
  4. If you suffer from sleep Apnea try losing some weight, especially around the neck area.
  5. Depression and stress medications like Prozac can cause sleeplessness. If sleeping is a problem for you speak to your doctor about alternative medications that will not interfere with your sleep. An Alternative may be playing soft music or practising yoga or meditation before bed time.
  6. Jet Lag - to help you stay asleep longer simply remain in bed even though you are finding it hard to sleep, gradually over the following days your body will re regulate itself again and you will sleep for longer.
  7. Food - eating late at night will stop you from sleeping. Make sure there is a gap of several hours between eating and going to bed. Not only will you sleep better but also you will save money on all those late night snacks.
  8. Caffeine and Alcohol - both of these will cause your sleeping patterns to be more fitful and waking up during the night either to use the bathroom or from just being too hyped up will be a regular occurrence. Switch to caffeine free drinks and drink less during the evening to both reduce bathroom visits and a caffeine buzz.
  9. Music - Listen to relaxing music during the evening or in the bedroom while falling asleep.
  10. Avoid smoking - Tobacco contains nicotine which is a nervous system stimulant and that will keep you up. Avoid smoking too late into the evening.
  11. Restless leg syndrome - Low iron levels are one cause to ensure that you are getting enough iron in your diet from red meats, spinach or kale as examples. Vitamin E deficiency can also be a cause of restless leg syndrome so eat whole grain foods to up your intake.
  12. Dedicated Use of the Bedroom - The bedroom must be reserved for sleeping, intimacy and sex. Avoid going over the days problem at work or discuss family issues during bedtime.

Complete and perform the above steps and get to know how this works wonders for you.